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EQ Versus IQ

Recently I met with old friend and we talked about an hour. At one situation, he expressed his feeling about how he unsatisfied with his manager's character.

"He really good in numbers. He knows a lot about facts. He think logically and analytically. But, the problem is, he doesn't understand people's feeling. Sometimes he doesn't really care about what his staffs' opinion. I think he has high IQ but less feeling understanding", said him.

After sometimes, I forgot about this conversation, until today, by chance I read about one article i.e EQ versus IQ. What is EQ and what is IQ? I believe many of you heard about it before. Well...

EQ is stand for Emotional Intelligence Quotient, and IQ for Intellectual Intelligence Quotient.

In short, the article said EQ is a measure of our emotional intelligence, or our ability to use both our emotions and cognitive skills in our life. And IQ is a score derived from a set of standardized tests of intelligence.

You can read further about this two via the links below, but one key point what the article said, and I believe in it..

Our EQ has more to do with our success and happiness in life than our IQ and emotional intelligence CAN BE LEARNED!
Now, a question to answer by ownself: Which quotient am I more?

Read further: EQ v. IQ, EQ, IQ
EQ test: click here
IQ test: click here

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1 comment:

  1. IQ = Brain; the way we think.

    EQ = Heart; the way we feel.


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